01. An Author’s Journey

An author’s journey, unlike a Hero’s Journey, is rarely formulaic. It has twists and turns like the beloved stories we like to read, but one journey is not the same as another.

This is my story. My journey of writing books and unpacking years of ideas into story premises that I hope to get off the ground. Some day. Hopefully.

These blog posts will work as diary entries of sorts. As I said before, an author’s journey isn’t formulaic and neither is it linear. A lot of time it’s two steps forward, one step back. Or no steps forward and five steps back. Or, if you’re lucky - one tiny, minuscule step forward and you celebrate that win for like two weeks and it results in you staying stagnant for a bit. But it’s okay. You’ve earned it.

So here’s a little catch-up on what I’ve accomplished so far:

  • I wrote and self-published my first (official) book with my sister in October 2022. We wrote it quickly (and wonderfully, I might add). It’s called The Strange Accounts of Germantown, a collection of spooky short stories that take place in our hometown. It was the first time I had actually researched the genre, paid for an editor and planned an actual release. (Side note: When I was in college, I self-published a Christian trilogy series that I barely edited, didn’t research, or put much thought into. I’ve since un-published them because one) they’re very, very poorly written and edited and most importantly two) The plot conveys a message that doesn’t reflect my thinking or philosophy anymore. I’m sure the books are still available for purchase, but I’ve tried everything so that new books wouldn’t be printed.)

  • Now, I’m working on my six-part series called The Bonai Chronicles. The concept was created when I was a sophomore in college, and I didn’t start seriously drafting until the winter of 2019. And the fire to actually craft this story propelled me to where I am today. I have all six books outlined and drafted, characters that are fleshed out with backstories, and I have a world that I’ve created with intricate details, landscapes, and even languages. I’m so excited about this series that revolves around found family, dangerous beasts (and people), love, adventure, libraries, and special holidays. (All things that I adore.)

There are other stories that are brewing in the background of my mind and I’m still gathering inspiration for them, but Bonai is the apple of my eye at the moment. And if you’re a writer (or an interested reader) I’d love for you to join me on my Author’s (Hero) journey of bringing my dreams into written reality.


02. Show Up for Yourself